About us

Rock climbing d.o.o. “Adventure Omiš” was founded in 2013 by a few enthusiasts, with a combined love for nature and extreme sports. It all started in 2011 when Ivica Beović, as an employee of the Skočibe firm, started working as a free climbing instructor and a guide of adventure tourism. A few years later Rock climbing “Adventure Omiš” was founded. It specializes in the management of adventure tourism, like free climbing, canyoning, kayaking, hiking and other adventure activities. With the satisfaction of both us and our guests, Rock climbing d.o.o. “Adventure Omiš” today counts five adventure tourism guides and a big number of associates. While guided with commitment and perfection towards our profession, each year we strive to improve our capability and quality of work, so that our guests would be safer, happier and more satisfied.
About our staff: Ivica Beović-Ivo: Born in Split on December 27th 1989 and lives in Gata, not far from Omiš. Ivo is one of the founders of “Adventure Omiš” and he has been actively involved in sports climbing and white water sports since 2005. He is a licensed instructor of free climbing and a guide of adventure tourism. He has been a member of the Croatian mountain rescue service since 2008 where he was licensed as a rescuer on white waters (rescue 3 Europe), also he has completed courses in speleology, alpine climbing and mountaineering.
Certifications: Instructor of free climbing Guide of adventure tourism Certification of speleology school Certification of mountaineering school Certification of free climbing school
Stipe Jerončić-Jera Born in Split on January 24th 1992 and lives in Duće a town near Omiš. He is currently attending the university of Maritime studies in Split. For the last few years he has been actively involved in trekking races, while in his free time he engages in rock climbing and martial arts which he trained intensively for 3 years. In 2012 he became a guide of adventure tourism and since then has been a part of the “Adventure Omiš” team.
Certifications: Rescue 3 europe certification, Guide of adventure tourism , Certification of mountaineering school , Bicycle guide certification
Jerko Šodan – Jerry – Jerry is born in Split,02. 09.2000., and he started as the youngest team member. Lives in Gata, small village near Omiš.
He is licenced instructor of adventure tourism, and for the last few years he has been actively involved in volunteer Fire Department unit .
Antonela Brzović – Born in Split, March 2 nd 1981., lives in Omiš were she graduated highschool. Studied tourism management at university of Split and has been actively engaged in tourism ever since.
She is a part of our main office, where she helps managing the front desk.
Marinela Brzović – Born in Split 01.06.2003 and is currently the only girl guide in the company. She is licenced instructor of adventure tourism.
Curently lives in Amsterdam.
Started in administration but soon replaced the office with the outdoor.
Sara Bulović – Born in Zagreb, 21.08.1997., attended high shool and after she gratuated from Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering came back to Dalmatia.
She is now an active part of the Team and she manages our Canyoning centar in Zadvarje.
Bepo – Bepo is born 23.10. 2002. in Split where he also finishes technical traffic school.
He is also the newest member of our team and a licenced instructor of adventure tourism,
He has been actively involved in volunteer Fire Department unit for a couple years and is currently studying to become professional firefighter .